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Courses & Teaching
NRSG 229 Mental Health in Nursing
NRSG 239 Mental Health Clinical Practice
NSRG 313 Relational Practice V
NRSG 427 Advanced Mental Health (elective)
I graduated with a BSN in 2000 from Okanagan University College and started working at KGH in mental health that year. I held a position there for 12 years. During this time I worked on the general acute mental health floor and the mental health ICU unit managing patient care for a wide variety of mental health needs. I also provided mental health assessments for the emergency department. In 2010 I started as a clinical teacher in mental health for the School of Nursing at UBC Okanagan. In 2011 I was hired as a Full time Lecturer and also started my MSN program here at the UBC Okanagan campus. I graduated with my MSN in 2017. While Lecturer I have developed our 2nd year Mental Health in Nursing course, its corresponding Mental Health clinical course, and the Advanced Mental Health elective course offered in 4th year. I have also started teaching on of the sections of the 3rd year Relational Practice course. This has afforded me the privilege of learning along with my students the history and challenges of the Syilx Nation delivered by Knowledge Keepers from the Westbank First Nation and designed to promote cultural safety in nursing practice.
BSN Okanagan University College, 2000
MSN University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus, 2017
Selected Publications & Presentations
Jasper, D. (2014). Workshop on Student Mental Wellbeing.
Murdoch, N., de Bosch-Kemper, N., Jasper, D., & Reekie, M. (2014) Addressing the Needs of Today’s Learner: A ‘modified’ Flipped Classroom Approach. Oral presentation at UBCO Center for Teaching and Learning 10th Annual Learning Conference.
Jasper, D. & de Bosch-Kemper, N. (2016). Redesigning Learning in the Classroom-Flipping the Classroom. Oral presentation at Focus on Curriculum: Keeping it Rigorous, Relevant, and Real. 3rd Annual Nurse Educator Conference at Sea.
Wilson, R. & Jasper, D. (January 2018). Suicide Awareness Workshop. UBCO Kelowna, BC
Jasper, D. (2020). Engaging in Mental Health Literacies. Oral presentation at Relax-a-Cucha 2020 Literacies Writ Large (8 Speakers. 12 Slides. 7 Minutes. Go). Kelowna, BC
Selected Grants & Awards
2011-2012 UBCO Teaching Honor Roll
2013-2014 University Graduate Fellowship (UGF) scholarship: College of Graduate Studies UBCO
2016 Golden Apple Award: UBCO Voice Campus Health Project
2020 NNPBC Nursing Award of Excellence: Excellence in Nursing Education
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
BBCNM: British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives
NNPBC: Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of British Columbia
NOW Canada: Board of Directors, Member at Large